Welcome to Cindy Lou & Co. We are glad you are here, where we are blessed by God and spoiled by  beautiful Jewelry & Accessories. So get comfy, grab your favorite beverage and browse our inventory where you will find a variety of products at an affordable price. We have new releases Monday - Friday. Follow us on social media to be in the know of the latest and greatest happenings.

Should you need my assistance in anyway feel free to contact me. 

Be beautiful,
Cindy Lou

"Go forward in life with a smile on your face, a sparkle in your eyes, and with great and strong purpose in your heart."
- Gordon B. Hinckley

Our Story

Everyone has a beautiful story, many chapters, some written and unwritten. Our stories are what makes us all special and unique. May you enjoy our journey.

My name is Cindy Lou Davis, I'm a wife, a mother, a small business owner and an advocate for Autism.
I have a passion for fashion (anything that glitters, sparkles, shines or bling's, that's my thing).
I cherish faith, family and friends. I believe it is important in building those relationships. I initially started Paparazzi to regain my confidence and self esteem after Neck surgery. Through my recovery, life got me down a bit. I was confined to a neck brace for 6 weeks, not able to do much.

During many sleepless nights, I would find myself scrolling through Facebook. I came across consultants doing late live shows. I quickly was drawn to watch, which then opened a door of new friendships. These ladies had no idea how they were helping me, through a phone screen. As we got to know each other their encouragement and well wishes brought me a new focus. Over this time I learned so much about a company I had barely heard of.
The more I learned about how this company has changed and saved people from their own personal situations the more I was interested in being one of them.

As the days and weeks went by I had lots of time to think, research and vision how this company could make a difference in our lives.

Being in a position of not being able to take care of myself without additional assistance. Our son "Blake" stepped in to care for his Mama in a time that was so needed. His efforts were so appreciated, and I couldn't be prouder of him. From the sparkle in his eye when he smiles to his contagious laugh, a boy with Autism dealing with his own challenges taking on the ones of his Mama. A proud moment as I was able to be the recipient of what he had seen me do day in and day out for years.

Simply put my Journey had lead me to Paparazzi not for my own dream but to teach our son with so many obstacles that in this life it isn't about who wins the race but its all about crossing the finish line.

My why, is to employ our son and teach him the daily operations of my business which will give him life skill lessons that he will need in life to care for himself. In the workplace there is a high volume of anxiety with scheduled task. For ones with special needs that pressure is intensified. Many employers do not offer an adapted or modified job plan for individuals with special needs. Having Blake learn at his pace, with a modified schedule, in a
familiar environment without additional episodes of anxiety allows him the advancement in areas he needs structure.

In our business our values are:
Accept ~ We accept who God made us to be. We are ALL perfect in his eyes.
Adapt ~ We will adapt to any changes needed to succeed in all we do. 
Advocate ~ We advocate for one another as we all win together.